
My Best Christmas Surprise!!

So if I’m being completely honest with myself, I have to admit I’m not the easiest person in the world to buy a present for. Well actually let me completely rephrase that, I’m not the easiest person in the world to buy a present for and keep that present a secret from! In fact, I become completely consumed with finding out what the present is. Doug and I have gotten in many fights over presents, because I demand that he tells me what it is, he refuses and the cycle continues!! LOL!

Now the other side of the coin is I actually LOVE surprises! I think they’re the best, but I just about ruin every surprise in my life because I’m obsessed with figuring it out! I know, makes no sense right! HAHA…..Welcome to me!!

Last Christmas Doug was determined to keep my present a complete and total secret! He was on lockdown! It was like he was running a covert operation for the CIA! I mean it was intense! He even got my Mom, Sister and Niece involved! I was NOT happy! Well, considering my Niece and I are inseparable I flat out asked her what Doug got me for Christmas and she told me! Well, little did I know Doug was three steps ahead of me! He told my Niece a lie, knowing I would ask her! So Christmas morning Doug looks at me and says, “Knowing you as well as I do, I figured you would ask our 5 year old niece what I got you, so I think you’re going to be surprised!” Surprised isn’t a strong enough word to describe my reaction when Doug brought out a box that was almost as tall as him, (PS, Doug is 6’5”)! I almost died!

I opened the box to find a bunch of paper filling! I pulled out piles and piles of scrap paper laughing hysterically knowing Doug had totally won! I had absolutely no idea what it was, and I was loving every minute! So after pulling paper out of the box for what seemed like a century, I came across my present! It was a bottle of my favorite Champagne and a note with the rest of my present……Doug had planned a trip for us to Chicago! We still haven’t taken the trip, because with our crazy schedules this past year we couldn’t make it work, but I have to say that was the best Christmas surprise I’ve ever had!!

Lots of Love,



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