
Happy Birthday America!!

Happy 239th Birthday America!! Anyone who knows me knows I absolutely love to travel, (it definitely comes in handy with being a singer), and experience new places and cultures. In fact, one of my favorite places in the world is London! I love spending time there! The other thing people who know me know, is my complete and total obsession with America! I am almost ridiculously American!! Lol! Not to say I think this country is without fault, or is perfect in every way, but you have to admit it’s pretty damn close! America was created by people who knew they, and further generations were flawed, and gave, “the people,” the power to change and amend it! The brilliance of that is, in my opinion, almost beyond words. Freedom isn’t free, and our country is full of heroes that constantly sacrifice to uphold the rights we have as Americans. It’s humbling, and makes me so proud of our men and women in uniform. It’s a privilege to be American, and I try to remember every day, but especially today how blessed I am to live and call the United States of America home.

PS–Make sure you get your free download of my version of “The Star-Spangled Banner!”


