Decisions Decisions

Lately, I feel like I have had to make a lot of very serious decisions! With where I am in my career, it seems like the decisions are never-ending! I’m constantly getting calls and emails asking for my latest decision! Overall, I’d have to say, I’m pretty good at making decisions, and I normally know my decision within minutes of …

To Tattoo Or Not Tattoo

My Mother has this saying she loves to use when anyone mentions a tattoo around her! She always says, “when you were born I checked you head to toe to make sure there wasn’t a mark on you, so why would you then go and mark yourself up?” She has also said to my sister and I more times than …

Madame Spill-A-Lot

I have this theory. Granted it’s just a theory, but I think if you hear it, you will find some validity to it! My theory is… grow up in one of two homes, you either grew up in a house that spilling things WASN’T a big deal or in a house that spilling things WAS a big deal! I for …

I'm A Hufflepuff

As many of you may now know, I’m a HUGE Harry Potter fan. I was most definitely one of those people waiting in line at midnight for the books, and movies to come out. I would drag Doug to the midnight releases, and even though he thought getting a book at midnight was completely pointless, he would go, not exactly …

A Dog Named JoJo

I grew up like most kids, loving animals! I was and still am obsessed with animals, most especially dogs. I think they are such amazing animals. I begged and begged my parents for what seemed like an eternity to get me a dog! There were two major problems with my request. The first was, my Dad, my Sister, and I …

Bikram Hot Yoga

In the never ending effort to keep me interested in working out and staying healthy, I constantly have to come up with new ideas and workouts. I’m kind of like a three year old that gets easily bored! Well, I decided after doing the same workout for a long time, I had to add something new to the mix. I …

Jacqueline Kennedy Speaks

It was a day Kennedy enthusiast like me had waited many years for; the release of Jacqueline Kennedy’s conversation with Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. I remember hearing about these tapes as a child and wondering if I would ever in my lifetime get to hear them. Jacqueline Kennedy was notoriously private, and I couldn’t help but think by the time …

Tangled Birthday Cake!!

The bad part about making cakes is the pressure that comes when one of your loved ones has a special event that you are making the cake for. It’s like you feel this need to top yourself. That no matter what you’ve done in the past, it’s got to go to another level, onward and upward I guess. Well each …